On 8 Oct 2007, at 15:02, Dave Page wrote:
> Alexander Kirpa wrote:
> > PGAdmin III 1.8 Beta 5
> > Windows 2000
> >
> > Still stable crash during insert rows in table over grid editor. For
> > crash need sequential insert 128-130 rows without closing grid
> > editor.
> I nearly gave myself RSI just testing this once! I can't see anything
> obviously wrong, but it crashed suspiciously close to the default
> cache size, so I've upped that to 500 in SVN. Please test the next
> version when it's ready today or (more likely) tomorrow.
> Thanks, Dave.
In first: thank for many useful improvement from previous versions,
0. Grid editor not crash PgAdmin (Version 1.8.0 RC1) after 250
inserts - thank.
1. Need retrieve fresh copy of function/trigger function (especially
trigger function, each have 2 local copy in PgAdmin DB presentation
tree) from server before allow editing - for avoid too annoying
message that you see at end editing about old/expired/nonfresh
edition of (trigger) function plus chance edit expired function.
2. 'Parameters' tab do not need for trigger function - eat only place
3. Bottom field for 'Help', 'Apply', 'OK' and 'Cancel' button too
high - IMHO normal size of space bottom 'Help' should equal to space
at above this buttons.
4. Something wrong with 'Limit bar' and 'Database bar' - see garbage
under bar during movement left-right
5. Window with already edited function body still no question close
in case press 'ESC' :-(
6. No way determine stripped (partially displayed) or not value in
grid result table ('Output pane'->'Data Output') of 'Query' window,
for instance try see field name 'i8' type 'bigint' with value
'12345678901234567890'. Possible exist reason change 'autoadjust'
field width to old behavior (max field value width) or use shift/ctrl
sense double click for select behavior.
7. Wrong FK 'Properties...' presentation for 'ALTER TABLE
ttttttttttt_ttttttt ADD CONSTRAINT fffffffffff_fffffff_ffffff_ffff FOREIGN KEY (oooooo,
ssss) REFERENCES productword_advertiser (oooooo, ssss) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION;' -
Strangeshift and
strip last char in 'ssss' - displayed as 'sss'
Best regards,Alexander Kirpa