is there any way how one can store the result of a time-consuming calculation if this result is needed more than once
inan SQL update query? This solution might be PostgreSQL specific and not standard SQL compliant. Here is an example of
whatI want:
UPDATE table1 SET StartTime = 'time consuming calculation 1', StopTime = 'time consuming calculation 2', Duration =
'timeconsuming calculation 2' - 'time consuming calculation 1'
WHERE foo;
It would be nice, if I could use the "new" start and stop time to calculate the duration time. First of all it would
makethe SQL statement faster and secondly much more cleaner and easily to understand.
Best regards, Matthias
Matthias Nagel
Willy-Andreas-Allee 1, Zimmer 506
76131 Karlsruhe
Telefon: +49-721-8695-1506
Mobil: +49-151-15998774
e-Mail: matthias.h.nagel@gmail.com
ICQ: 499797758
Skype: nagmat84