I Have problem(s) with the CVS version of psqldobc.dll.
At the server side i have Postgresql 7.2.1 on Debian.
With a table as it:
firedell=# \d hosts
Table "hosts"
Column | Type | Modifiers
nicknome | character varying(16) | not null
hostnome | character varying(32) | not null
note | character varying(50) | not null default '-'
Primary key: hosts_pkey
Unique keys: hosts_hostnome_key
Triggers: tr_aggiorna_tabelle_dipendenti
at the client (win98) all the three columns are so readed:
(MFC m_rgODBCFieldInfos structure, using HOSTNOME for example):
m_strName hostnome (OK)
m_nSQLType -9 (!!!)
m_nPrecision 32 (OK)
m_nScale 0
m_nNullability 0
Please note: also with Access97 i have problem (with no detail)
if a try a link a database, is not go to show the table list.
If a use the older (07.03.0208 version, 7/1/2004) all is ok.
My MDAC version *maybe* 2.71
Please help...
Antonio Pennino
Nocera Informatica s.r.l.
telefono: 035/4219033
telefax : 035/4219050
e-mail : a.pennino@nocerainformatica.net