On 4 Jul 2004 at 3:26, nitrogenycs@web.de wrote:
> creating configuration files ... ok
> creating template1 database in c:/postgres/data/base/1 ... child process
> was ter
> minated by signal 5
> initdb: failed
> initdb: removing data directory "c:/postgres/data"
> I'm pretty sure all my environment variables are set correctly and that i
> used the proper slashes at the proper places (just like stated in the
> instructions that can be found on the win32 binaries site). I'm using
> WinXP Home Edition.
> Is this a known problem? How can i fix it?
> Thank you very much for your answer!
This is just a guess, but check that the new user (postgres) has enough
permission on the folders that you are using for Postgresql. Since you
created the folders as an admin user, ordinary users may not have all
the required permissions.
System error 5 under windows is a "permission denied" error. I don't
know if Postgresql is reflecting that as a signal with the same number.
I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong :-)