Re: Connection ODBC - Mailing list pgadmin-support

From Rick Moore
Subject Re: Connection ODBC
Msg-id 3E1A9950.25802.2B4E87@localhost
Whole thread Raw
In response to Connection ODBC  ("Daniel" <>)
List pgadmin-support

> Date: 06/01/03
>  I need to connect ASP - (Active Server Pages)to the data base
> POSTGRESQL,Is it possible?


>  I don't know the connection string,so Ineedthat someone can help me, and
> tell me some information about that.

I could send you a full example (of course the database table/function names,
etc. are specific to our application domain.)  The actual connection stuff is
like this:

<!-- #include file="" -->
... initialization stuff removed from here...

    Session("dbname") = "iprdemo"
     Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
     Dim constr
     constr="dsn=" + dbname + ";uid=XXX;pwd=YYY"
     Conn.Open constr

.. continued processing removed from here...
<html>... remainder of html stuff removed...

>  Are there some more special thing to do?

We have an ODBC System DSN called "iprdemo" that points to a PostGreSQL
database on our local Intranet.  The postmaster must be running on the machine
identified in that DSN, and the user specified has to have access to the

> Thanks for all...
> From Brazil
> Sds, Daniel


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    that they are right, whether they are or not.

pgadmin-support by date:

From: "kedar hukeri"
Subject: unsubscrieb
From: Didrik Pinte
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