On 17 Dec 2002 at 13:26, javier garcia wrote:
> Data Source: PostgreSQL -> Right?
This is the name of the DSN which you set up on the client machine -
make sure it's a "system DSN" rather than a "user DSN".
> Database: Name_of_my_POstgreSQL_database -> Right?
No - the name of the database on the Linux machine.
> Server: IP address of my Linux machine -> Right?
> Port: Don't know?
5432 is the default Postgres port, unless you've changed it on the
Linux machine for some reason.
> User Name: Does this user need to be created in the
> database and also as a Linux machine users?
No - only in the database.
> Password: The same question
Same answer!
> ODBC: fallo la llamada -> (the call failed)
> Could not connect to the server;
> Could not connect to remote socket (#101)
Make sure that you start Postmaster with the -i option, otherwise it
won't accept TCP/IP connections.
Raymond O'Donnell http://www.galwaycathedral.org/recitals
rod@iol.ie Galway Cathedral Recitals