On 30 Oct 2002 at 10:14, Johnson, Shaunn wrote:
> Running PostgreSQL 7.2.1 on RedHat Linux 7.2.
> I think I may have asked before, but I never got an answer
> that told me one way or another -
> How can I kill processes without kill -9 <pid> and
> ruining the database?
Just kill pid works. After that you should see postgresql shutdown subprocess
in ps listing. After all clients are done, it shuts down.
Postmaster man page lists signal and behaviour of postmaster. That should be
A man either lives life as it happens to him, meets it head-on andlicks it, or
he turns his back on it and starts to wither away. -- Dr. Boyce, "The
Menagerie" ("The Cage"), stardate unknown