I administer an quite important PGsql v. 7.0.3 installation... We
would very much like to upgrade, BUT we cannot afford to be offline
for a very long period .. half an hour is acceptable.
I have tried to install the new one under a new location and have
done an init-db.. both are running smoothly together (the new one
has a non-default port as long as the old one is necessary)
I have tried :
pg_dumpall > fulldump.sql
/path/to/new/version/bin/psql -h 5431
(inside psql): \i fulldump.sql
### This is the output (and the errors i get) :
You are now connected to database template1.
psql:fulldump.sql:2: ERROR: Relation 'tmp_pg_shadow' already
psql:fulldump.sql:4: ERROR: pg_ownercheck: invalid user id 27
psql:fulldump.sql:5: ERROR: pg_aclcheck: invalid user id 27
psql:fulldump.sql:6: invalid command \N
psql:fulldump.sql:7: invalid command \N
psql:fulldump.sql:8: invalid command \N
psql:fulldump.sql:9: invalid command \N
psql:fulldump.sql:10: invalid command \N
psql:fulldump.sql:10: invalid command \N
psql:fulldump.sql:11: invalid command \N
psql:fulldump.sql:11: invalid command \N
psql:fulldump.sql:12: invalid command \N
psql:fulldump.sql:12: invalid command \N
psql:fulldump.sql:13: invalid command \N
psql:fulldump.sql:13: invalid command \N
psql:fulldump.sql:14: invalid command \N
psql:fulldump.sql:15: invalid command \N
psql:fulldump.sql:16: invalid command \N
psql:fulldump.sql:17: invalid command \.
psql:fulldump.sql:18: ERROR: parser: parse error at or near
psql:fulldump.sql:19: ERROR: pg_aclcheck: invalid user id 27
psql:fulldump.sql:20: invalid command \.
You are now connected to database template1 as user postgres.
psql:fulldump.sql:22: ERROR: CREATE DATABASE: database
"sk" already exists
You are now connected to database sk as user postgres.
psql:fulldump.sql:24: \connect: FATAL 1: user "sk" does not exist
### how do i do it most easily ?
ICQ 5434480
PGP-key http://keys.pgp.dk:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xDF484022
PGP @ http://www.pgp.com / http://www.phpi.com