> That should work fine in 7.1 ...
Ups.. forgot to tell that I was working on 7.0.3 .. upgrade is not an
option right now.. but I guess you answered already (not possible
in 7.0) :)
Btw. any idea when cross-database queries will be implementet
(you know select x.col1, y.col2 from localtable x, foreigndbtable y
where x.col1=y.col2) ?
A real needy feature, if you ask me :)
Btw. a litte side question:
having a table with quite an amount of data (all
telephone/addresses in denmark :) which change only very rarely
(once every 3 months).
I our first setup it is contained in a database for its own (becase
PGSQL 7.0 - not sure about 7.1) connects rather slowly, if giant
tables are present.
Is there any way to speed it up, or is a split database design the
only way to go ?
Again TIA
ICQ 5434480
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