I use PostgreSQL 7.0.3 on Linux (i386) platform, Tcl 8.3 is installed.
When entering National special characters (e.g. accented german
characters) by use of psql into a database, all seems to be ok., the special
characters appear correct on queries (locale seems to work well in this case).
But when using a Tcl-based interface (e.g. pgaccess or home made tcl
based programs) to insert such characters into a table, they are not correct
displayed on queries by use of psql - they appear as two 'unreadable'
characters (they appear correct in queries done by the tcl application).
I tried to add multibyte support to postgresql, but still the same result.
How to solve this problem?
E-Mail: johann.woeckinger@epluse.at
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Tel. 07235/605-263 (Firma), 07235/65993 (privat)
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Adresse/Firma: E+E Elektronik
Dr. Johann Wöckinger
Leiter Fertigung Systeme
Langwiesen 7
A-4210 Engerwitzdorf