Why libpq++ and testlo fails ? - Mailing list pgsql-interfaces

From mika.saari@nokia.com
Subject Why libpq++ and testlo fails ?
Msg-id 37A953B8C4A3D211B6450008C7EA44EAAF45D2@oueis01nok
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List pgsql-interfaces
Hello !
 I am using PostgreSQL 6.5 and RedHat 6.0. I compiled the whole
PosgreSQL, started the postmaster and edited some tables and runned
testlibpq0-5 from
examples directory under libpq++. Only the testlo fails to

ERROR: Connection to database 'template1' failed. PQsendQuery() -- There is no connection to the backend.
 (cmd: ./testlo template1 test tset)
 What have I done wrong ?
    Thank you very much,        Mika Saari

pgsql-interfaces by date:

From: mika.saari@nokia.com
Subject: Why libpq++ & testlo fails ?
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Subject: Re: [INTERFACES] resolving locking conflicts