Re: [GENERAL] Restoring tables with circular references dumped to separate files - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Uwe
Subject Re: [GENERAL] Restoring tables with circular references dumped to separate files
Msg-id 3430419.aDL8jPP3m8@tiburon
Whole thread Raw
In response to [GENERAL] Restoring tables with circular references dumped to separate files  (doganmeh <>)
Responses [GENERAL] Re: Restoring tables with circular references dumped to separatefiles
List pgsql-general

I would alter the tables and remove the foreign key constraint, restore the data and add the constraint back. If the data is consistent, adding the foreign key should work without error.

On Friday, October 20, 2017 8:15:27 PM PDT doganmeh wrote:

I was dumping each table to a separate file so I could pick and choose when restoring. However, seems this was not a great idea, since two of my tables happened to reference each other via FOREIGN KEYs, and I am not able to restore them. Is there a way to do this without manually merging the dump files? Thanks for guidance in advance.

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From: doganmeh
Subject: [GENERAL] Restoring tables with circular references dumped to separate files
From: Arthur Zakirov
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] tgrm index for word_similarity