Installation on Windows XP Home - Mailing list pgsql-hackers-win32

From Christophe CADIC
Subject Installation on Windows XP Home
Msg-id 32344896.1094118916243.JavaMail.www@wwinf0401
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Responses Re: Installation on Windows XP Home
List pgsql-hackers-win32


I currently develop a software using postgreSQL..
It will run on Windows XP (Professional & Home).
Actually i use UltraSQL on Windows XP Home.
I am very interested by your win32 developement.
In the current win32 release, it is necessary to create a specific user account to install database.
On windows XP Home, it is not possible to create this type of account (Also Administrator or Limited User accounts are availables).
I hope you could help me...

Thank you,

Christophe CADIC
Independant Developper

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