> "Mark Hellegers" <mhellege@xs4all.nl> writes:
> >> You might want to look into whether you can get the buildfarm
> > > script
> >> to run before you go too far.
> > I will check that this weekend. Thanks.
> > Does this buildfarm member need to run continuously?
> Once a day is sufficient if that's all you can manage, though several
> times a day is nicer.
I managed to run the buildfarm script. Needed to make a small change to
the perl script as on Haiku everyone is "root", but other than that it
runs fine.
I have only one server available running Haiku. Can I also run a normal
Postgresql installation on that same machine? If so, I will be able to
run the build multiple times a day.
> > I just did a quick check of my changes and the changes seem minor.
> Yeah, as Andrew remarked, it shouldn't be that hard given that the
> code
> used to run on BeOS. You should check the commits around where that
> support was removed, if you didn't already.
Yes, I already have done that. I think I don't need all the changes
that were done then, but we will see.
> > I also found (I think) two places where the implementation of a
> > function contained slightly different parameters from the
> > declaration
> > which breaks on Haiku as an int is not the same as int32 (see src/
> > backend/catalog/dependency.c function deleteOneObject for one of
> > those).
> This is the sort of thing that gets noticed much quicker if there's a
> buildfarm member that complains about it ...
I understand. I will start working on reapplying my patches to master.
Git is still new to me, but I'm making progress.
Kind regards,
Spangalese for beginners:
`Lipsanae bully booly.'
`The Lemming is driving recklessly.'