Thank you for your quick response.
There are a few things this brings up:
1. The pgAdmin help file states the use of datname IN ('blah') in the DB Restriction field
2. Most people know which databases they want to connect to. Wouldn't it make more sense to use datename IN (...)
ratherthan NOT IN?
Thank you all for creating a great application!
Zach Conrad
----- Original Message -----
From: "Guillaume Lelarge" <>
To: "Zach Conrad" <>
Sent: Thursday, June 5, 2008 3:31:55 PM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central
Subject: Re: [pgadmin-support] 1.8.4 bug DB Restriction field
Zach Conrad a écrit :
> DB Restriction field borks on datname IN ('blah') or datname='blah' with the error: "ERROR: operator does not exist:
name<> boolean LINE 5: WHERE datname NOT IN (datname='blah')
> Here's the full query from the logs being sent from pgAdmin:
> SELECT db.oid, datname, db.dattablespace AS spcoid, spcname, datallowconn, datconfig, datacl,
pg_encoding_to_char(encoding)AS serverencoding, pg_get_userbyid(datdba) AS datowner,has_database_privilege(db.oid,
'CREATE')as cancreate, current_setting('default_tablespace') AS default_tablespace FROM pg_database db LEFT OUTER JOIN
pg_tablespaceta ON db.dattablespace=ta.OID WHERE datname NOT IN (datname='blah')
The DB Restriction field should not contain : datname IN ('blah')
It should contain : 'blah'
or : 'foo','bar'