speedup pg_dumpall - Mailing list pgsql-admin

From Michael Monnerie
Subject speedup pg_dumpall
Msg-id 2829256.7Mb1lcLYlD@saturn
Whole thread Raw
Responses Re: speedup pg_dumpall
List pgsql-admin
On one database server, we have both MySQL und PostgreSQL running, and
via script make a fulldump. We see that MySQL is more than twice as fast
for that:

mysql 5.1: 100s (1.66 Min) 1110224519 Bytes, 10.58 MB/s
postgres 8.4: 133s (2.21 Min) 654205642 Bytes, 4.69 MB/s

The commands are:

1) mysqldump --single-transaction --flush-logs --master-data=2 --all-
databases --add-drop-table

2) pg_dumpall -c

What can I do to improve pg_dump performance?

mit freundlichen Grüssen,
Michael Monnerie, Ing. BSc

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