--On Montag, August 03, 2009 12:38:48 -0400 Robert Haas
<robertmhaas@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm a little confused here. We are 19 days into a 31 day CommitFest;
> you are almost three weeks too late to add a patch to the queue.
> Unless you can convince a friendly committer to pick this up out of
> sequence, I think the only patch that is under consideration here is
> the one that has been being discussed on this thread for the last 17
> days. I sent several notes adding for all patches to be added to
> commitfest.postgresql.org prior to the start of CommitFest; AFAIK,
> this one was never added.
Well, i already noted that in the "named and mixed notation" thread
actually two patches were involved, see
Since Steve's changes were so small, i considered it to be an "extension"
to Pavels patch, without treating it separately to commit. In my opinion it
wouldn't make sense to commit those changes to plpgsql _without_ having
Pavels functionality. I have to admit that i saw Tom's complaint about
making AS a special keyword in plpgsql, but decided to leave the decision
wether we want to commit this or not up to a committer. I took the efforts
to get the attached patches there in a reviewable state then instead.
Please note that Steve's suggestion is linked into the commitfest since
2009-05-21, too.
-- Thanks