On Tue, Feb 01, 2022 at 08:35:00PM +0100, Pavel Stehule wrote:
> I tested your patch, and it looks so it is working without any problem. All
> tests passed.
> There is just one question. If printalias = true will be active for all
> cases or just with some flag?
Sorry, as I just replied to Bharath I sent the wrong patch. The new patch has
the same modification with printalias = true though, so I can still answer that
question. The change is active for all cases, however it's a no-op for any
in-core case, as a query sent by a client should be valid, and thus should have
an alias attached to all subqueries. It's only different if you call
get_query_def() on the result of pg_analyze_and_rewrite(), since this code
doesn't add the subquery aliases as those aren't needed for the execution part.