> On Tue, Jan 12, 2021 at 08:02:59PM +0100, Pavel Stehule wrote:
> ne 10. 1. 2021 v 19:52 odesílatel Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule@gmail.com>
> napsal:
> I tested behaviour and I didn't find anything other than the mentioned
> issue.
> Now I can check this feature from plpgsql, and it is working. Because there
> is no special support in plpgsql runtime, the update of jsonb is
> significantly slower than in update of arrays, and looks so update of jsonb
> has O(N2) cost. I don't think it is important at this moment - more
> important is fact, so I didn't find any memory problems.
Thanks for testing. Regarding updates when the structure doesn't match
provided path as I've mentioned I don't have strong preferences, but on
the second though probably more inclined for returning an error in this
case. Since there are pros and cons for both suggestions, it could be
decided by vote majority between no update (Dian) or an error (Pavel,
me) options. Any +1 to one of the options from others?
Other than that, since I've already posted the patch for returning an
error option, it seems that the only thing left is to decide with which
version to go.