On Thu, Mar 26, 2020 at 03:55:11AM +0800, Bo Li_Chongqing University wrote:
>Hi Tomas,
>Thank you very much.
>When I want to insert into a table, if the size of table is bigger than 100 M or much more, the connection will be
lost.I guess that local SQL database is not stronger to process the big data. If I limit the size to 10000, it is ok,
instead,the connection will be lost.
>I used this query in the Pgadmin to insert into a table, if I add limit 100, it works. If remove it, the connection
willbe lost. I just want to generate an new table in the Pgadmin
>insert into variable_capacity_factor
>SELECT v.generation_plant_id, t.raw_timepoint_id, round(cast(capacity_factor as
numeric),7),gen_tech,load_zone_id,to_char(t.timestamp_utc,'YYYYMMDD')as timestamp
>FROM a2020_new_variable_capacity_factors_historical_temp v
>JOIN projection_to_future_timepoint ON(v.raw_timepoint_id = historical_timepoint_id)
>JOIN a2020_new_generation_plant_scenario_member_temp USING(generation_plant_id)
>JOIN sampled_timepoint_temp as t ON(t.raw_timepoint_id = future_timepoint_id)
>JOIN a2020_generation_plant as t1 ON(t1.generation_plant_id = v.generation_plant_id)
>WHERE generation_plant_scenario_id = 10
>AND t.time_sample_id=1
That's neat, but it doesn't really tell us anything. Did you check the
server log as I suggested? Are there any errors or interesting messages
in the log?
Tomas Vondra http://www.2ndQuadrant.com
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services