On Thu, 17 Jan 2019 08:32:48 -0500
AI Rumman <rummandba@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am planning to use Postgresql with TimescaleDb extension. I have to
> design a system similar to AWS RDS which supports automated failover,
> transparent minor version upgrades etc.
> In early days, I worked with PgPool II to enable heartbeat between the
> Postgres servers. Is there any new tool to achieve the same by which I can
> design a transparent failover system for Postgres?
There is multiple HA solutions, none are "transparent failover" though. They
are just automated-failover. A rollback-ed transaction because of failover will
never be transparent from the application point of view.
Look at Patroni or PAF, depending on what you want to achieve.