There are some moments I should mention:
1. {"1":1}::jsonb is transformed into HV {"1"=>"1"}, while
["1","2"]::jsonb is transformed into AV ["1", "2"]
2. If there is a numeric value appear in jsonb, it will be transformed
to SVnv through string (Numeric->String->SV->SVnv). Not the best
solution, but as far as I understand this is usual practise in
postgresql to serialize Numerics and de-serialize them.
3. SVnv is transformed into jsonb through string
An example may also be helpful to understand extension. So, as an
example, function "test" transforms incoming jsonb into perl,
transforms it back into jsonb and returns it.
create extension jsonb_plperl cascade;
create or replace function test(val jsonb)
returns jsonb
transform for type jsonb
language plperl
as $$
return $_[0];
select test('{"1":1,"example": null}'::jsonb);
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