Hello, Christian
> Can anyone suggest a project for my first PG contribution?
In my experience good starting points are:
* Doing code review. It's really important for PostgreSQL project. Everyone likes to write code, no one likes to read
ortest it :)
* Finding typos, there are a lot of them.
* Finding bugs: static code analysis, sanitizers, etc. Also subscribe to pgsql-bugs@ mailing list.
* Fixing bottlenecks. Tricky part here is to find one. Could be difficult unless you are working for a company with
manyclients or maintain a project that uses PostgreSQL.
Also please note that such activity as answering questions on IRC or in
pgsql-general@, highlighting project news in your blog, writing articles
(or maybe even a book) about PostgreSQL internals, organizing local user
group, etc - all of this are very significant contributions.
Good luck!
Best regards,
Aleksander Alekseev