On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 09:39:25AM +0100, Marcel Ruff wrote:
>I have 4 tables with 1:n relation:
> grandpa -> pa -> child -> grandchild
>Now I need to copy an instance of "pa" with his descendants
>from my backup (a postgres dump) back to prod.
>"grandchild" has a blob column (containing fotos)
>Which options do I have?
>1) Import the backup dump in a separate postgres instance
>2) Do some magic query which created insert statements
>3) Run the insert statements on the prod server
>What is the best approach, and how does a query look like which
>returns nicely formatted insert lines?
You want to copy some tables from one db (or dump) to another?
Perhaps you should look at the man pages for pg_dump and pg_restore.
pg_restore allows the loading of a single table, or group of tables,
into a specified database.