extracting words - Mailing list pgsql-sql

From Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz
Subject extracting words
Msg-id 20080422222504.56bdb06d@dick.coachhouse
Whole thread Raw
Responses Re: extracting words
Re: extracting words
List pgsql-sql
I am not quite sure whether this would be sensible or indeed at
all possible to do in SQL:

TABLE product: product_pk,  product_name, department_fk
TABLE product: department_pk,  department_name

example data:

SELECT product_pk, department_name, product_name ... LEFT JOIN ...:

1, "cakes & desserts", "apple crumble"
2, "cakes & desserts", "cheese cake"
3, "starters & soups", "french onion soup"

I need to extract the words from department_name and product_name
(words are separated by spaces) and get something like:

1 cakes
1 desserts
1 apple
1 crumble
2 cakes
2 desserts
2 cheese
2 cake
3 starters
3 soups
3 french
3 onion
3 soup

Would it be more sensible to produce a table join and split the result
into keywords programmatically?


Best Regards,

Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz

A: Because it breaks the logical sequence of discussion
Q: Why is top posting bad? 

pgsql-sql by date:

From: "D'Arcy J.M. Cain"
Subject: Re: Problem with FOREIGN KEY
From: "A. Kretschmer"
Subject: Re: extracting words