On Mon, 29 Oct 2007 15:54:03 +0100
Magnus Hagander <magnus@hagander.net> wrote:
> > I'm not referring to the content - I wouldn't want to suggest
> > stopping anyone making valid criticism. I'm referring to the
> > language which is almost certainly offensive to many.
> Hmm. I obviously live in a very different society than you do,
> because I don't know of anybody who'd be offended by "pissed of".
There are two sides to this:
1. Those who will be offended
There is definitely those who will find this offensive. It is
considered a bit of a swear word, albeit not nearly as much as others.
2. Those who will feel it is unprofessional.
I fall into #2 but I can sure as hell understand why PostgreSQL pisses
some people off and something you just want to shout about it.
> There are a lot of much worse ways of saying that that would offend
> people, but I don't see this as one.
> But that could be just me :-) My vote is still to keep it, but I
> certainly understand that others can see it differently.
What this comes down to is this, how "correct" do we want to be?
Personally I feel the following words we can probably let slide:
Piss/es ;)
There are certainly much worse words we could be publishing.
Joshua D. Drake
> //Magnus
> ---------------------------(end of
> broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 6: explain analyze is your
> friend
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