On Tue, 23 Oct 2007 11:58:28 -0700
Josh Berkus <josh@agliodbs.com> wrote:
> Folks,
> Everyone on this list who spoke up approved of the "No more than one
> training event per company per month" policy for training events.
> The purpose of this policy is to prevent training companies from
> messing with our events listings in order to grab the "top 3 spots"
> from the home page.
> EnterpriseDB has just submitted 3 trainings for November and 2 for
> December. While I believe that EDB actually plans on holding all of
> these trainings, it is the kind of flooding of the training listings
> that we're trying to prevent.
> How should we suggest they revise the training listings?
Have them submit a single event that states:
Training events from November thru December
Joshua D. Drake
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