Re: Surveys - Mailing list pgsql-www

From Magnus Hagander
Subject Re: Surveys
Msg-id 200710150750070000@217899157
Whole thread Raw
In response to Surveys  (Josh Berkus <>)
List pgsql-www
> All,
> Since nobody else seems to care about the surveys, I'm going to take it on 
> myself to manage them.  I've just added a new one.  If anyone is concerned 
> about what I might be surveying, the next 6-7 surveys I want to do are all in 
> the admin system already.

Please do. If you do that's great. If you can't for some reason keep it up we should change the system so it removes
thesurveys from the site if no survey exists that's newer than x days. But let's hope we don't have to.


pgsql-www by date:

From: "Joshua D. Drake"
Subject: Re: Surveys
From: Dave Page
Subject: Re: Approval process for news/events/training is broken