> ------- Original Message -------
> From: novnov <novnovice@gmail.com>
> To: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
> Sent: 13/08/07, 17:36:12
> Subject: [GENERAL] Running a stored procedure via pgagent, need an example
> Can someone give me a simple example of the way in which I might be able to
> call a stored procedure or query using pgagent? I have never scripted a
> postgres .sql etc to run via cron or pgagent and an example of the syntax
> would be helpful. In pgagent terms, the Step is set up as SQL, and it's the
> definition that I would like an example of. I am guessing that one would
> save the routine off to a .sql file, then call via \i?
Just enter the SQL to execute in the textbox on the step dialog, e.g.
SELECT my_proc();
Regards, Dave