Re: pgqdmin3 1.6.3 on Ubuntu Dapper Drake - Mailing list pgadmin-support

From Dave Page
Subject Re: pgqdmin3 1.6.3 on Ubuntu Dapper Drake
Msg-id 200706282232280000@2954729961
Whole thread Raw
In response to pgqdmin3 1.6.3 on Ubuntu Dapper Drake  ("Michael Scheepers" <>)
Responses Re: pgqdmin3 1.6.3 on Ubuntu Dapper Drake
List pgadmin-support

> ------- Original Message -------
> From: "Michael Scheepers" <>
> To:
> Sent: 28/06/07, 21:27:12
> Subject: [pgadmin-support] pgqdmin3 1.6.3 on Ubuntu Dapper Drake
> Hi,
> I've downloaded the source code for pgadmin3 version 1.6.3, with the
> intention of compiling on Ubuntu Dapper. The ./configure script requires
> pg_conf in order to execute successfully. The Dapper installation of
> postgreSQL-8.1 does not include this file. Is an alternative ./configure
> file available for Dapper?

I assume you mean pg_config? It sounds like you're either missing a package (postgresql-devel or similar perhaps?) or
thepackage you have is broken.

And, no, we don't have an alternative configure script. We do have an ubuntu apt repo on the website though - any
reasonnot to use that?

Regards, Dave

pgadmin-support by date:

From: "Michael Scheepers"
Subject: pgqdmin3 1.6.3 on Ubuntu Dapper Drake
From: "M. Edward (Ed) Borasky"
Subject: Can't compile from source on CentOS 5