> ------- Original Message -------
> From: Tony Caduto <tony_caduto@amsoftwaredesign.com>
> To: Dave Page <dpage@postgresql.org>
> Sent: 01/02/07, 20:37:18
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] I "might" have found a bug on 8.2.1 win32
> Dave Page wrote:
> > A non-admin user wouldn't necessarily be able to edit it, and it would be shared amongst all users of the machine.
> >
> > /D
> >
> >
> Well, there has to be a way so it won't affect other applications.
> I don't want to start deleting it when LA starts up. (which I could do
> with one line of code)
That's a good way to cheese users off.
> Is there a way to tell the libpq connect function not to use a pgpass
> file?
No, as Tom already said.
> It really should be up to the application if it wants to use it
> or not.
No, it should be up to the *user* to decide, which is why it's a non-default (iirc) option in pgAdmin.