tom wrote:
> the way that I'm using perl is to do a full prepare and execute
> statements, which as I understand perl, will do all the character
> escaping necessary to store the message. meaning, If I have
> characters like (') or (`) they should be escaped when they are
> entered into the SQL parameter. I am wondering if this is indeed the
> case.
> But I'm looking for any suggestions or considerations when trying to
> d this approach to avoid this kind of text parsing problem.
Assuming you're using DBD::Pg and a placeholder for the bytea parameter of your
query, you must specify its type explicitly, like this:
use DBD::Pg qw(:pg_types);
$s=$dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO the_table(contents) VALUES(?)");
$s->bind_param(1, $the_data, { pg_type => DBD::Pg::PG_BYTEA });
Hope this helps,
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