I am having the same problems on XP Pro. I get a signal 12 selecting default max conections.
I looked at the postmaster.conf file created by initdb and noticed that the default connection max is set a 10. On my
7.4.1-3config file it is set at 100.
I have seen 10 mentioned before, maybe in running postgres regression tests after compiling. Perhaps it needs to be
On Mon, Jun 14, 2004 at 12:15:43PM +0200, Leeuw van der, Tim wrote:
> When installing as service, do you install it with postgres account? Or do you let it run with SYSTEM account?
> --Tim
> -----Original Message-----
> From: pgsql-cygwin-owner@postgresql.org
> [mailto:pgsql-cygwin-owner@postgresql.org]On Behalf Of David P. Lurie
> Sent: zondag 13 juni 2004 23:37
> To: pgsql-cygwin@postgresql.org
> Subject: Re: [CYGWIN] Updated Cygwin Package: postgresql-7.4.2-1
> Jason -
> > 3. Cygwin PostgreSQL can fail to start or not function properly if
> > certain files and directories have incorrect permissions. The
> > following usually solves these kinds of problems:
> >
> > $ chmod a+rwx /tmp
> > $ chmod a+rx /usr/bin /usr/bin/*
> > $ chmod a+rw /var/log # could adversely affect other daemons
> >
> > In particular, note the third chmod above.
> >
> I tried all three, without any success.
> There was another problem with postgresql configuration that I hadn't
> mentioned. initdb failed when run as the user "postgres", but completed
> successfully under my usual login.
> These permission changes now allow initdb to run from the "postgres"
> account. postmaster still successfully installs as a service, but fails to
> run, whether installed to run under my usual login or "postgres" (after
> initdb has been run under the appropriate account).
> David
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
> (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to majordomo@postgresql.org)
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster