Thank you to all who replied with the additional info.
On Thu, May 27, 2004 at 09:35:06AM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> "C. Bensend" <> writes:
> >> I had setup my pg_hba.conf originally like this:
> >> host all all trust
> >>
> >> I was under the impression that the .0 was supposed to be equivalent to
> >> a wildcard entry so that any connection from 10.15 would be able to
> >> connect. This was not so. By changing my pg_hba.conf to this:
> > Yes, when your subnet mask is set for a /24, that's correct.
> To expand a bit: the correct way of letting in a /16 would be
> host all all trust
> In recent PG releases (7.4.*, not sure about 7.3) you could also write
> host all all trust
> regards, tom lane