On 2003.07.14 20:41 Matthew T. O'Connor wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-07-14 at 17:13, Jay O'Connor wrote:
> > What impact in performance does vacuum have on an active database? I'm
> > being asked about this...or rather...someone is questioning the use of
> > postgresql because of this
> There is no easy answer to this question, other than if you vacuum
> appropriately (not to often, or too infrequently) the net impact on
> system performance is a win. A database system that doesn't require a
> vacuum type process still has to do the same work, it just does it at
> transaction time, postgres defers this work until vacuum is run, which
> is typically done at off peak times.
Just curious but is the length of time to vacuum influenced more by the
size of the table or the number of dead tuples?
Take care,