Hello everyone!
I have 2 questions:
--1-- Some days ago, I've been trying to get the number of tuples
that FETCH ALL would return, *before* fetching anything.
(the program is written in C++, using libpq ; PostgreSQL 7.2.3).
The solution i've found was something like:
int nr_tuples;
res = PQexec(conn, "MOVE ALL in CURS");
sscanf(PQcmdStatus(res),"MOVE %i",&nr_tuples);
I'm wondering: is there any better way to get that number?
( just an idea: maybe it would be useful to make PQcmdTuples
work for MOVE commands ... ? )
--2-- I found out that if i reach the end of the cursor, and want
to move backwards, i have to increase the MOVE command's argument by 1:
MOVE ALL in CURS --> i get the number of tuples: 590
MOVE -590 in CURS
FETCH ALL --> i get all tuples except the first one
MOVE -591 in CURS
FETCH ALL --> i get all the tuples
FETCH ALL --> i get nothing !
FETCH ALL --> i get the last tuple
This happens only if the current position is at the end of the cursor.
Is this the normal behaviour?
Best regards,
Adrian Maier