Looking for web frontend, admin *and* user oriented - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Chema
Subject Looking for web frontend, admin *and* user oriented
Msg-id 200209022106.g82L6Vf11091@yveeme.ordenamiento
Whole thread Raw
List pgsql-general

I'm perling a web frontend, trying to make it as automated as posible: the idea is that I'll only need to dictate the
dblogic, and the program does the rest. 

Right now, the script permits db browsing, ordering, filtering, sorting and editing in a single table fashion: it let's
youchoose an output format (i.e. html table, simple text table...), generates input fields depending of the column type
(bydefault "text" of proper size for type char, varchar, int..., "textarea" for type text, "radios" for boolean..., but
youcan customize them, creating menus with fixed values, or using the result of SQL query, or anything that perl can

So I have a decent table I/O, plus basic operations (drop, rename table, and the so...).  But now I need to get past
thebig frontend barrier: the relational db support.  Currently I use virtual tables with propper insert rules, which
worksok but still takes some time to code, and should be no 'that' hard to automate :) 

But before I go far, I want to see what wheels are already rolling, so I could mount an already relational one
(FutureSQLand especially Gedafe atracted my attention, but they not satisfied completely my desires), get some axis
(likeusing pgadmin2 for relational db design, DBIx::Browse for edition), or at least get some, err, inspiration ;-) 

If you could recommend any good frontends or modules that could help, it'll be precciated.  Even (and don't get upset,
please:) mysql ones would be of interest. 

Thanks in advance.
My philosophy is: Don't think.
        -- Charles Manson

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