Thanks for the reply Joe.
I am using PostGreSQL 7.2.1 with JDBC driver of
Code is:
public int getNextValue(
String sequenceName )
throws SQLException {
Statement s = null ;
ResultSet rs = null ;
try {
s = connection.createStatement() ;
rs = s.executeQuery("SELECT nextval('"+sequenceName+"')");
if (! {
throw new SQLException("No Rows Returned from Sequence " + sequenceName);
} //end if
int returnValue = rs.getInt(1) ;
return returnValue ;
} catch (SQLException e) {
if (rs != null) {
} //end if
if (s != null) {
} //end if
throw e ;
} //end try
} //end getNextValue()
And yes I am using it from within a transaction.
What is odd is it is not consistant. This same code runs fine for a lot of things.
My guess is that there is a variable that is not being reset properly in the driver. That would explain why
it does not happen all the time. In this case, I am receiving an error when running the above code after an
INSERT statement on the same connection.
On Thursday 06 June 2002 04:02 pm, Joe Shevland wrote:
> Sorry I'm not across the actual issue, but have you got a small snippet of
> Java code to demonstrate the problem (enough to see if its inside a
> transaction etc and how you're executing the statement and looping through
> the RS)? Also the version number of the PostgreSQL backend.
> I do the below sort of thing regularly and haven't had a problem. The
> drivers on are the best ones to go for
> if you're not already using those.
> Cheers,
> Joe