Le Vendredi 1 Mars 2002 15:40, Gary Stainburn a écrit :
> Thanks for the comments, but I don't think that I made myself clear.
> I am connecting using the native PHP pg support. The only bit I'm using
> ODBC for is the Windows/Delphi stuff.
> BTW, the Delphi app can connect/disconnect as often as it wants, but one
> connection from Delphi stops the PHP working.
> Gary
Dear Gary,
The best place to post your question is pgsql-odbc@postgresql.org, and I am
sending a copy of your mail there. / Jean-Michel
Hi all,
I've got a web server using PHP with a persistant connection to my database,
and this works fine.
I'm experimenting with Delphi and the latest ODBC drivers that I got from
http://odbc.postgresql.org. While I'm very impressed with this version - the
last version I tried was a few years ago - it is causing me some problems.
When I use the ODBC to connect to my database, the Delphi App works fine -
just as expected.
Unfortunately, a side effect is that the PHP loses it's connection and
returns a 'not valid handle' error message.
Has anyone got any ideas why this is happening, and what I can do about it.
Gary Stainburn
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