> I was almost finished with a VB/MS-access app and went to install on
> the client's site. Started having horrible (once a day) database
> corruption problems. I'm recommending that we switch to
> Linux/Postgresql. It's been 100% reliable and fast for me on several
> web sites that I manage.
I was in the same situation two years ago. PostgreSQL + ODBC is a very good
choice. Maybe you should download pgAdmin2, the GUI interface of PostgreSQL
from http://pgadmi.postgresql.org. It will be usefull.
The only problem I encoutered with Access was when using $M Jet, which is not
reliable. MS Access should be used with direct ODBC calls or better ADODB.
There is a good tutorial called Using PostgreSQL Access howto. Search for it
in Google.
Jean-Michel POURE