Le Lundi 26 Novembre 2001 21:08, vous avez écrit :
> I am trying to build a semi-scaleable (up to three SMP servers),
> highly-available database without forking over $300k to Oracle. I expect
> the app to be about 90% reads and 10%writes.
Hello Mike,
It is impossible to query/update several PostgreSQL servers using server-side
languages (PLpgSQL, PERLpgSQL, etc...). Schema support (planned for 7.3)
might bring these features.
For the moment, there are three replication packages available:
- http://www.erserver.com/
- http://pgreplicator.sourceforge.net/
- http://gborg.postgresql.org/project/pgreplication/projdisplay.php
I never used replication before and do not know whether these projects are
mature or not. Maybe you should register ADMIN and GENERAL mailing lists and
ask for advice there.
Best regards,
Jean-Michel POURE