> Sorry to say you guys may by wrong. I heard that SourceForge was loosing to
> much $$$ that they might not get to the end of the year.
Just read much of the rest of the report tonight.
SourceForge.net is an ESSENTIAL site for them. They're banking on the
SourceForge code to bring in revenue. SourceForge.net is the largest
implementation of SourceForge, and it's great proof that their only real
product works. Also since many Open Source developers use sf.net, they will
likely recommend it to their bosses. Then there's ad revenue...
Because of all that, I'm convinced that SourceForge.net will stay around as
long as VA Linux itself does. Dropping it would be suicide.
Yes, they lost a LOT of money last year, but much (most?) of it was in
one-time charges. With fewer employees, they should be able to last a while.
Their labor costs should be well under $20 million this year based on my
rough estimate. So if they can get any kind of revenue from selling SF
enterprise solutions, they should be OK for a while.
Now, what to do about that @$#%#$^ stock... I guess I lost a few thousand
already, so a couple hundred more (worst case) won't hurt too bad. And if
they can indeed make SF successful in the enterprise, I can see it being a
good solid company again at some point. BTW, the book value looks to be just
under $3 a share, so at the current price it *should* be a bargain (again, if
indeed there's any hope for their plans).
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