Am Fri, Jan 14, 2000 at 04:29:37PM -0500 schrieb David Conners:
> ANy help or advise is appreciated.
Well, I encountered the same problem and found the following solution.
I create scripts that do some stuff and then use the following code to
source the thinggummy.
DataControl(.kz.query)::setSQL "SELECT scriptsource FROM pga_scripts where scriptname = 'kz_bind';"
set scriptcode $DataSet(.kz.query,scriptsource)
eval $scriptcode
> Thanks,
I hope it could solve the Problem.
Ahm. While dealing with this Problem I learned that long variable names are
good to read and understand their purpose, but on the other side they need
much of the precious space!! So - "as short as possible but as long as
needed" might get a well to remember sentence.
greetings from Crailsheim, Germany
ronald hoellwarth
Ronald Höllwarth Registrierter Linux User #132865
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