THe way the .conf file is structured is, that each option is commented out when
its default value applies, but the default value is the value shown for the
option in the .conf file -- so it would be the same if you un-commented the
To change the value, you un-comment the line and change the value for the
parameter in that line.
I don't have a 7.1 postgresql.conf file handy, so I can't give you an exact
example, but if you currently have:
#max_connections = xx
then the default is xx maximum connections. To set the maximum to yy, change
the line to:
max_connections = yy
Otherwise you can do as I do, and leave the commented-out line and follow it
with a comment and a new line:
#max_connections = xx
# Added on 5/5/2002:
max_connections = yy
This allows me to keep a reminder of what the default was, which is what I
would have if I removed MY line.
Happy PostgreSQLing,
5/27/03 2:14:24 AM, "rakesh" <> wrote:
>Hello Everybody,
>I'm new to this list. My postgresql 7.1 (RHL -7.2& server does not respond
>when quiet some connections
>are made. Do I need to change the max_connections option in postgresql.conf,
>but surprisingly it is commented.
>In this case what is the default number of connections to which it can
>respond? And also if i need to increase the number of connections what do i
>need to do?
>Help appreciated !!!
>Rakesh Pawar.
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