RE: Connecting postgreSQL using JDBC - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Matthew
Subject RE: Connecting postgreSQL using JDBC
Msg-id 183FA749499ED311B6550000F87E206C0C925B@SRV
Whole thread Raw
In response to Connecting postgreSQL using JDBC  ("Howard" <>)
List pgsql-general
What access does your pg_hba.conf provide for?  I think it defaults to
only allowing local access.  In order to connect to it from remote
machines the -I option needs to be given to postmaster and the
pga_hba.conf needs to allow connection from that IP to that data base
for that user.


> -----Original Message-----
> From:    Howard []
> Sent:    Tuesday, June 27, 2000 10:29 PM
> To:
> Subject:    [GENERAL] Connecting postgreSQL using JDBC
> I have just tried a sample Java program. It connects the PostgreSQL
> through
> the JDBC. I ran it on the postgreSQL machine. It works fine. But, when
> I
> tried to run it in another machine and connecting the database through
> the
> network. The connection was refused. I have no idea what is wrong.
> postgreSQL:
>     startup with 'postmaster -i'
> java program:
>     ...DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc:postgresql:webtest",
> "nobody",
> "");
> where webtest is my testing database name.
> -- Howard

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