On Tue, 2014-06-03 at 11:31 -0700, jackrg wrote:
> Using pgAdmin 1.14.1, earlier this morning I did a backup of a single table
> from my database in plain format, which completed successfully. I now try to
> repeat that operation and it fails. Here are the messages from the attempt:
> /Applications/pgAdmin3.app/Contents/SharedSupport/pg_dump --host
> ec2-54-197-246-17.compute-1.amazonaws.com --port 5562 --username
> "u6u1m6ai8tdviu" --no-password --format tar --section data --no-privileges
> --verbose --file "/Users/jackrg/Documents/heroku-partial-for-just-logs.dump"
> --table "public.logs" "d4n5qjtiqnucn2"
> pg_dump: [archiver (db)] connection to database "d4n5qjtiqnucn2" failed:
> FATAL: password authentication failed for user "u6u1m6ai8tdviu"
> FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user
> "u6u1m6ai8tdviu", database "d4n5qjtiqnucn2", SSL off
> Process returned exit code 1.
> The problem is (apparently) the "--no-password" command-line switch. Why is
> that switch there (the database is password-protected and the password is on
> file, since I can connect to the database). FWIW, this Postgres database is
> hosted on Heroku.
It's here because noone will be able to type the password. If the
connection needs a password, you need a .pgpass file.