I have read the developers FAQ which directed me to this mailing list.
I am still using Postgresql on Zeta (descendant of BeOS), but it is
becoming time to upgrade, so I installed Haiku (open source
reimplementation of BeOS) on another machine and downloaded the 9.2.1
source of Postgresql.
I used an older version of Postgresql which still contained the BeOS
support to see what needed to be done to get 9.2.1 working on Haiku.
Now that I have Postgresql running (with some issues I am still
investigating), I would like to create patches to get Haiku support
added to the official tree of Postgresql.
I do have some questions before I submit a patch:
- Assuming all patches are applied to get Postgresql running, what does
it require to keep it in there? I noticed you removed the BeOS port,
because no one was maintaining it. What does it take to maintain a
- Can I submit patches for smaller parts or do I need to submit all the
patches in one go? For example, can I submit the patch for the
configure part first and other changes later?
- I have a problem compiling Postgresql after I installed iodbc. Iodbc
also contains a header called sqltypes.h, which the compiler picks up
before the one in the ecpg include directory as it is in the general
include directory for the system. Is that something someone has seen
before and knows what is wrong? It could be some mistake I made in my
I am planning to get the latest sources from git and apply my patches
on that source as I am assuming that is preferred and I don't need
9.2.1 specifically.
Kind regards,
Spangalese for beginners:
`Halley mak ranfuer.'
`Your infant has swallowed my grenade.'