On Thu, 2012-11-22 at 14:05 +0100, Michal Kozusznik wrote:
> Check if Apply button is active just after opening function properties.
> If true - it is known issues
Known issue, yet to be confirmed by a developer :)
> . It's not related to setting an option but
> to apply changes while window is not initialized with correct state
> (button should be disabled just after opening properties window)
> BTW I'm curious why devs still didn't managed this issue. I know it is
> hard to reproduce because some for the behaviour is correct for some
> functions but incorrect for other. However it should be quite clear
> which condition makes the button active at begining.
Actually, it's not. I still don't have a reproduction test case, that
would help me to fix the issue. I've never been able to reproduce this
issue. So, yeah, we didn't managed to fix your issue as you and I aren't
able to find a suitable test case for my laptop.