Re: temporal support patch - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Jeff Davis
Subject Re: temporal support patch
Msg-id 1345523625.30161.28.camel@jdavis
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: temporal support patch  ("David Johnston" <>)
Responses Re: temporal support patch
List pgsql-hackers
On Mon, 2012-08-20 at 19:17 -0400, David Johnston wrote:
> Ideally the decision of whether to do so could be a client decision.  Not
> storing intra-transaction changes is easier than storing all changes.  At
> worse you could stage up all changed then simply fail to store all
> intermediate results within a given relation.  It that case you gain nothing
> in execution performance but safe both storage and interpretative resources.
> So the question becomes is it worth doing without the ability to store
> intermediate results?  If you were to ponder both which setup would the
> default be?  If the default is the harder one (all statements) to implement
> then to avoid upgrade issues the syntax should specify that it is logging
> transactions only.

I think the biggest question here is what guarantees can be offered?
What if the transaction aborts after having written some data, does the
audit log still get updated?

> I see the "user" element as having two components:

I think this is essentially a good idea, although as I said in my other
email, we should be careful how we label the application-supplied
information in the audit log.

Regards,Jeff Davis

pgsql-hackers by date:

From: Jeff Davis
Subject: Re: temporal support patch
From: Jeff Davis
Subject: Re: temporal support patch