Re: Making TEXT NUL-transparent - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Alexander Shulgin
Subject Re: Making TEXT NUL-transparent
Msg-id 1322127105-sup-5764@moon
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: Making TEXT NUL-transparent  (Florian Weimer <>)
Responses Re: Making TEXT NUL-transparent
List pgsql-hackers
Excerpts from Florian Weimer's message of Thu Nov 24 11:27:51 +0200 2011:
> > and why you don't use bytea ? Text should be correct literal.
> It's actually UTF-8 text, and some PostgreSQL functions are only
> available for TEXT, but not BYTEA, e.g.:
> bfk_int=> SELECT '\x006500'::bytea ~ 'A';
> ERROR:  operator does not exist: bytea ~ unknown

And how will those TEXT functions behave on a value with an embedded NUL?  Or is it not only about being able to
*store*NULs in a text field? 


pgsql-hackers by date:

From: Florian Weimer
Subject: Re: Making TEXT NUL-transparent
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